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List of upcoming events. We will continue to update our Activities and Event pages as time progresses.
As a sponsor for the MS Road to a Cure Charity Car Show on August 5th, our club received 20 free passes and a reserved parking area for our club. I have about 3 passes left. If you can join us, please let me know ASAP!
This show is in the covered parking lot at the Bloomington GO station. (On line registration is $50).
The host, my MS Family, is a registered Charity that is volunteer based. All proceeds from this show, minus operating costs, will be donated various MS support groups and research.
MSC will be the hosting club this fall at a car show in Memorial Park. We are anticipating about 400 cars and a couple of thousand spectators. We are calling on members that day to come and volunteer some of their time. We will be forming a Car Show Committee and need people to help with the various areas. This could be a show that defines our club! Sign up sheets will be at our Season Opener.
When: July 10, 2024
Where: At our cruise in.
How Much: Was $40 - PRICE SLASHED FOR EVENT TO $15!
We are in the process of organizing a How to Build a Valve Cover Racer workshop. There is no cost to participate, and we are trying to acquire valve covers to give away to people to work on in this workshop. So we can gauge interest, if you would like to participate, please drop Terry Sutton an email at markhamstouffvillecruisersclub@gmail.com
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